Friday, September 01, 2006

Results: Mixed

Professor Li always said that the expected results from every social scientific study are "mixed"--and that this is a good thing because the deficits or shortcomings provide the impetus and rationale for future study, which is what keeps social scientists in business. So, perhaps it's a good thing that the results have never been more mixed than this week.

On the up-side---people are giving me amazing social support. This week, a prospective student's mother sent me a romance novel about a woman who transforms her life through triathlon training, and an aquaintance who is a retired triathlete contacted me after hearing about my DL quest and offered me her wetsuit. This, after someone else called to put herself on sherpa/massage/dinner duty. I'm rich in friends.

As for holding up my end of this bargain w/the universe, however, it's been a slow week. Last night, it got even slower when I had one of my classic sleep-deprivation seizures after a week filled with too much work and worry and too little rest---and probably bad nutrition. Afterward, I decided sleep was the most important discipline and set aside what would have been a late-night workout. I'm still a little fuzzy today, but I will pick up the pace this weekend with a wet-suit equipped trip to Devil's Lake with Monica for a swim/bike/transition event. I swam over lunch today and will work out tonight. I will try to learn what I can from these mixed results and apply their lessons over the next couple of weeks.


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